Two weeks ago, I finally learned how to knit. I have been saying that I need to learn how for quite a while, but never managed to schedule it in. I have picked up a couple of knitting books, but I knew that I needed a live human to teach me. I would look at those books and at online magazines like Knitty--K2, p2, BO--and I would go sort of cross-eyed. Certain things you just need to be shown how to do.

My friend Marcy signed me, Monica, and Christina up for a knitting class, and then informed us later. That's the type of gal she is. She is also the type of gal to interrupt you while you're talking and comment on your eyelashes!! We love her! Anyway, she signed us up for a class at Passion Knit, which is located in Snider Plaza here in Dallas. We arrived at Passion Knit after eating lunch and gossiping for a while. First we had to pick out our yarns. I chose the Queensland Collection Kathmandu Aran in Ruby. After we chose our yarns, we got to see how those yarn winder twirly things worked--I need one of those!

We had a lovely teacher who showed us how to do the garter stitch, or basic knitting stitch. I wasn't sure if my knowledge of crochet was going to help or hinder me in this knitting process. I think it helped in the end. It was very strange to use 2 needles, but I already had a concept of how to hold yarn and work with my hands. I kept exclaiming "This is weird to use 2 needles!" or "Oh my god, this is so weird!" I'm sure they were sick of it by the end of the class. We all had our quirks though: Marcy was planning increasingly elaborate knitting projects, Monica got angry when things weren't ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, Christina somehow kept tangling her yarn, and I kept repeating, "This is weird!" and my inner know-it-all kept rearing its ugly head. We had a great time though!! We will definitely be taking another class together.
Now that I know how to k

Our teacher did show us how to purl too. For some reason, purling was a great big enigma to me--"what on earth could a purl be?" It was really bothering me! I come to find out that it's just the mirror image of knitting (Instead of putting your needle in one side of the stitch, you put it in the other side. It's the same motions though). The mystery of purling is finally solved!
In case you are wondering, the scarf I started in this class measures only 4 inches. I haven't had any time to work on it due to the long list of Christmas presents that I'm making. I will be picking it up again January 1st!