The Saturday after Thanksgiving, I pulled out all of the the Christmas decorations, turned on some Christmas music, poured a glass of wine, and got in the holiday spirit. Here is a picture of my tree:

It is a four-foot artificial tree that we bought a couple of years ago. It is in two pieces, each with a colored light strand on it. This year (and last year too), the top section's lights were out. Mike went through each light patiently, (patient is the same as annoyed, right?), changing out the bulb to see which one was broken. Well, he went through all of them and it still wasn't working. So we had to replace the whole thing! By the way, all of that stuff in the background to the left is a chair filled with items I am using to make Christmas presents with. Can't wait to show you pictures of those, but I have to wait until they are all given away! Here's a hint though: I made 20 of one something, and I am in the process of making 9 of something else!

Here is one of the crochet ornaments that my mom and my Granny made when I was in middle school or so. They both made zillions of them that year, and I can remember watching my mom sitting on the couch crocheting by lamp light with her glasses on. I credit these two women for all of the creative and crafty talent that I have!

Here is an ornament that I had since I was very young, less than five years old. It is piece of wood with Kermit painted on it, who was my all-time favorite Muppet.
And here is one of my newer ornaments. It is plush Santa that I got at Target (I think) the same year I got the tree. It is perfect for putting on the very top, since I'm not partial to angels.

It looks so festive! Much better than my house. . . I am such a scrooge this year. I'll be better next. Lets craft this weekend? Want to ??????
great looking tree mel!
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