Here is my newest bag! I made this on Saturday morning with some fabric from Superbuzzy, which I just can't seem to get enough of. The fabric is a cotton/linen mix (I think), and has a nice slight stretchiness to it. It has these cute little swirly figures printed on it in red, with an aqua airplane every so often.

So I used a sturdy aqua cotton fabric for the lining, and accented the bag with red pockets on the inside and outside. I think the red and aqua color combination is fun, and sort of unusual. I

Superbuzzy is going to post a picture of this bag on their gallery page! The owners Kelly and Mariko are collecting pictures of items made with their fabrics and displaying them on their website. My Bon Voyage Travel Bag should be up soon--how exciting!! By the way, if you are in the market for some cute Japanese fabric and other sewing accessories, please check them out. They have a great independent business, and have been very kind to all of their customers. I can't wait until my next order gets here!

Bon Voyage!
your bag is incredible (pic is up!), and thanks so much for the sweet words! can't wait to post more of your projects in the gallery...
i love it! i wish my sewing skills were as good as yours!
Love it- love it!!!!! I feel bad that we haven't had one of our sewing days in forever!!! I'll see you on Sunday unless I can sweet talk people in to going to Canton.....
Beautiful! Just lovely!
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